River Vascão 1st April

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Wed 1 Apr 2015 22:02
River Vascão
There was a particularly pleasing moment this morning when three Minchins were looking down river eagerly searching for dolphins until ....... APRIL FOOL!
Isabelle got us later by saying there was a Kingfisher in the bushes and had us both looking through binoculars for the non-existent Kingfisher, she has been chuckling all evening :)
Were you caught?  Did you catch anyone?
We have a list of things to do to get TC set up for a possible 10 – 15 days offshore on the return trip so this morning we set up a third reef point ~ hopefully insurance against 40 knots of wind. All four went up the mast, Bol to check the rig, Harry and Isabelle for the view, and Jojo went to see if she could climb to the spreaders.
A third and very enjoyable afternoon back at the weir with birds all around; Bee-eaters, a Stork, Buzzards, Woodpeckers, Azure magpies, Kingfishers and wonderfully at the end Harry spotted a Hoopoe which he identified from reading the Bird Book many times over.
Question for Hamish and Kate. The butter is melting, which way do we turn now?
No photos this week as this being sent via satellite phone ~ also we haven't downloaded any emails so  will receive & reply when we return to Alcoutim.