
Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Tue 19 Aug 2014 21:03

Viveiro, N Spain

A day around the tired looking town which was busy with cars and people everywhere. Nice to hear from an ex-pat that much government money is being poured in to bring it up to date; the Marina gave a warm welcome and it went downhill from there!

We were therefore pleased to come to a peaceful anchorage a mile away, there is a long sandy beach and a little round island the children are looking forward to exploring tomorrow. There is now a gentle swell on board and the constant sound of waves breaking against the rocks in the background.

We will also try another BBQ ashore having visited the Supermarket yesterday and bought some meat - no fridge on board so fresh meat is a rarity. Any store cupboard recipes most welcome, those that don't need fresh food and a fridge!

Someone ashore is having a bonfire, it smells like Eucalyptus being burn, a rich resin smell is wafting across the bay towards us. We were the second boat here then the tide must have turned or something because were then then joined by 21 fishing boats. Tried our lines but no joy. Instead watched lessons going on in wake boarding, kayaking, wind surfing and dinghy sailing. It is a busy place with mountains in the background, much logging in evidence with lorries grinding up the hair pin bends weighed down with what looks like Eucalyptus tree trunks.

These photos were taken yesterday as we approached the Spanish coast. We read in the Pilot Book about fines handed out for not displaying the correct courtesy flag, or the motorsailing triangle (motoring with a sail still up as we were).

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