Journey North

Sat 15 Mar 2014 21:13
Well, we set off in the flat calm of early morning on the 28th Feb,  and when we looked behind us St Vincent had disappeared in a rain squall which finally caught us up, thankfully it had run out of rain but did have the wind left in it.  Not the best 75 miles we have sailed, big breaking swell so a very wet, salty journey bypassing St Lucia, where we did have dolphins with us for a short while, the bright spot in the day, to Martinique where put down our anchor at 18.30 hours, in Grande Anse d’Arlett, as the sun went down.  1st February, anchor away 07.00 and a much brighter day with good wind direction and calmer seas, in fact wind gets lighter and seas flatter as we go on and at 19.30 hours we drop anchor, in the dark, at Plymouth, Dominica, having sailed the entire length of Martinique and Dominica.  Highlight of the day, Sharon has a Big Eyed Tuna on her line enough for two meals and a sandwich.
m_100_3111 m_100_3113 m_100_3114 Light winds with the promise of them getting lighter as the week goes on, so todays destination is to be Deshaise, Guadeloupe, a good sail with the wind giving us a good passage to aim for Monserat so we enjoy the rainbow produced over Guadeloupe and keep heading North for Monserrat.  A midnight arrival at Monserrat and as it is a new anchorage to us we decide to keep going maybe make St Bartholomew (St Barts) our destination, passing early morning St Eustacia and Saba, m_100_3122 m_20140304_160658 m_100_3123 we had a couple of boobies playing in the slipstream of the sails which was lovely to watch until they decided to use our sails for potty practice, wow the accuracy was amazing and as we all know that stuff does not come off!!Wind is dying and rain squalls are building so Major Bay, St Kitts is the desired  anchorage at midday on the 3rd March.  We were last here in this bay in 2011 also on our way North to return across the Atlantic, it was the first time I had seen a Spotted  Eagle Ray, and same place same time in the afternoon I spot an Eagle Ray, quite a big one, wonderful sight.  We have the 4th as a day off, make bread, clean the boat and in the afternoon move around to Sandy Point so we have a good start in the morning for the final leg to St Martin.