St Laurent

Thu 13 Nov 2014 15:19
m_DSCN1145m_DSCN1142 m_DSCN1140   Vietnamese Sunday Market in time for breakfast, interesting selections of food but the Sago drink beat everything for originality, Pieces of green and red sweet jelly, orange coloured sago and sweetened coconut milk! (could have been yaks milk for all we know)
m_DSCN1147 m_DSCN1149 m_DSCN1151 The place to be on a Sunday, not many people buying, all busy eating and socialising.
m_IMG_0511 m_IMG_0548 m_IMG_0535 A canoe trip up the river to enjoy the hospitality of Damian, swimming, boule, eating and of course drinking proved too tiring for some people.
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