Still in Bequia

The Travels of Running Tide
Mick Norman
Tue 11 Feb 2014 21:30
We were keen to do some snorkelling off Princess Margaret Beach so delayed our departure from Bequia. Also we have been on something of a shopping frenzy with everyone kitted out with new shorts and tee shirts. Additionally, the rations of digestives and cerk had gone dangerously low and a search party was despatched to source new supplies from the locals. 
We now have 4 packets of digestives will they last until Pat gets here.   Thomas we are trying to persuade your Grandad to write something in the blog........ hope you are having some good parties and making full use of his car while he is away.   He ‘opes to write something tomorrow he says!
The ants are still on the march, I went into battle with me trusty spray this morning trying to eradicate the little so and sos before Pat arrives on 18 Feb.
m_Running Tide at Bequia 10 Feb 2014
RT under sail off Bequia, one reef in the main and the head reefed.
Jacks Place on Princess Margaret Beach