Antigua to Norfolk VA - day 6

Stravaig'n the Blue
Sat 15 May 2021 23:35
End of day 6 position: 30:12.7 N  069:55.0 W
Position timestamp: Saturday 15 May 2021 11:00 UTC-4
Distance travelled last 48 hours / in total: 287 / 935 NM
Average speed since departure: 6.5 knots
Shortest distance to destination: 530 NM

The wind has been fickle for the last 48 hours: some longish periods of good steady wind from the NE through SE overnight but very squally during the day and, this afternoon, a massive thunderstorm with winds in the 30s followed by several hours of confusing and variable winds. Lots of reefing, un-reefing and head sail changes; we are exhausted.

Successfully dodging a thunderstorm yesterday.

I have the information I need to bypass the MDI unit and start the engine - thanks Dave - but, bizarrely, I haven’t needed it, yet. The unit has started working again, albeit intermittently. If the engine control panel powers on, which it doesn’t always do, I can start and stop the engine and the engine hours counter increments. However, the engine then dies after between 60 and 90 minutes. Highly unsatisfactory.

The MDI unit is the right-most of the two black boxes hanging out of the engine bay.

All is reasonably well.
