Lanzarote to Grenada, day 18

Stravaig'n the Blue
Wed 27 Jan 2021 22:55
End of day 18 position: 13:37.7 N 054:13.9 W
Position timestamp: Wednesday 27 Jan 2021 12:00 UTC-3
Distance travelled last 24 hours: 153 NM
Reduction in distance to destination last 24 hours: 147 NM
Distance travelled total: 2701 NM
Average speed since departure: 6.2 knots
Shortest distance to destination: 460 NM
ETA based on shortest distance and average speed so far: noon, Saturday 30 January (21 days in total)

I see no ships. The last boat we saw was Charlie Dalin’s APIVIA. That was seven days and 1054 miles ago. We haven’t even seen ships at long range on our radar or chartplotter AIS.

This is pretty remote. There’s just the vastness of the ocean, the every changing cloud formations during the day and the stars at night. The first week was the best for star gazing. The moon was new midweek and what little of it there was didn’t rise until towards dawn. The only light pollution was from our masthead light.

There is rarely 100% cloud cover, night or day, and there always seems to be one of the night watch handovers when there are no clouds at all. With us being so far south now, constellations from the southern hemisphere are making their appearance, the most impressive and immediately recognisable of them being the Southern Cross (Crux), due south, just above the horizon from about 04:00.

All is well.
