Welsh interlude

Andrew and Hilary Clark
Mon 20 Jul 2009 13:48
51:42N 05:06W
No cruise around the British Isles would be complete without a visit to Wales.
So, after the last Guinness was downed.....
and the passage crew embarked....
we were on our way from Dublin.
We started in fog and steady rain, cleared Tuskar Rock in the dry, romped south in rough seas, visited by schools of dolphins who played in the bow-wave. We entered Milford Haven just after midnight, coinciding with three tanker and one ferry movement, and made our way up to Neyland.
Milford Haven was an interesting pilotage exercise: extremely well lit, but with a glaring backdrop of refinery and jetty lights. We contacted Port Control as we approached to ask if there were any shipping movements in the following hour; they were surprised that we had not seen the mega VLCC that was at that moment emerging as a wall of steel from the entrance channel, but the truth is that her lights were completely lost against the background shore lights. After that we heard the pilots talking from ship to ship about our position and progress, but our passage plan and the brightness of our navigation lights seemed to meet with their approval. We negotiated the entrance channel at Neyland, who were freindly and helpful. This morning the channel does seem quite small. It will be interesting to retrace our steps in daylight when we depart.