At last we have managed to go South "52:56.5N 04:33.5W"

Tue 20 Oct 2009 19:23
At last we have started going south.
The day has been an adventure as always, Paul took his first big wave, well we all did. By the time we get back and we have exaggerated a little it will have been at least 100 meters, it was actually a good 5 meters, all we saw was a wall of water coming towards us, Bundeena looked after us, and it just passed under us.
David was boasting that his sandwiches were still salt free, just after that comment, I didn't steer fast enough and another wave broke over the bow, and unleashed a carpet of water over the entire boat, and we all got a good soaking, including Daves sandwich.
After the above adventures around North and South Stack, in 30 knots of wind, we popped in to Treardur bay for a cup of Tea.
Now sat at anchored, waiting for Joe to cook his special.